Testimonials: these are just a few of the comments and letters from our Country Meadows Montessori families. If you would like to speak to some of our parents directly, please email us for contact list. *If you are a visiting “CMM alum” send us an email! We’d love to hear from you .
Testimonials: these are just a few of the comments and letters from our Country Meadows Montessori families. If you would like to speak to some of our parents directly, please email us for contact list. *If you are a visiting “CMM alum” send us an email! We’d love to hear from you .
“Good morning!
Lilian Hinkle, Parent
“I am extremely pleased with the test results of the students who attend Country Meadows Montessori. I have been testing the students, from Country Meadows, since 2005. I have observed that these children have above average to superior levels in Reading, Writing and Math and exhibit a great foundation for “higher level academics”. In testing, the children are confident and at ease with themselves and their academic learning. I highly recommend this program to parents who want their children to excel.”
Linda Baranska, M.A.
Teacher Consultant
“I am pleased to have this opportunity to express our overwhelming satisfaction with Country Meadows Montessori. We were introduced to Country Meadows by our close friends who had (2) of thier children enrolled. They highly suggested we contact Country Meadows and attend their orientation to see for ourselves. We were immediately impressed with so many aspects of the school such as: the teachers, curriculum, encouragement of independence, nutritional habits, exercise, a safe environment, and the discipline policy just to name a few. Since the school is limited to the amount of children they will enroll, you get a sense there will be a much more personal level of teaching, allowing for a more effective and nurturing environment. We enrolled our daughter in CMM at the age of three, for the regular (5) day program during the school year and then for (3) days a week for the summer camp. This allowed her to continue her learning and also be with her friends in a positive surrounding. She continued in CMM through her Kindergarten year. Our daughter started public school in the 1st grade and she continues to surpass everyone, in her class, in math, reading, spelling and most of all in confidence with herself and her schoolwork. A feat we attribute directly to CMM. We recommend Country Meadows Montessori with complete confidence. And now we are looking forward to having our three year old son attend summer camp with his sister. Our thanks and admiration to the entire staff.
Judy H.”
”How has our Anna benefited from being included at Country Meadows Montessori?
Our daughter has benefited equally by both being in an inclusive setting AND being in a Montessori school. The Montessori teaching method focuses on basic skills, such as self-respect, self-discipline and self-esteem along with the academics. These skills are developed through a process wherein each child gains success at their own pace, with developmentally appropriate materials. Each exercise builds skills, one upon the other, allowing the student to become an independent and motivated learner.
In fact, being in a Montessori classroom, that promotes independence, has had some unexpected benefits for our daughter. By being in this inclusive environment, as opposed to a “Special Education Classroom”, there isn’t the two to one student/teacher ratio. While this made me nervous at first, I see now that this actually encourages her to make more independent choices and become more self-reliant. Anna’s learning how to make choices for herself (with occasional guidance from a teacher), from what she wants to work on to when she wants to have snack. Simple tasks such as returning work to the correct shelf and rolling up their own work-rug are encouraged and expected of all the children, including Anna (again, with occasional from others). Being in an inclusive classroom where she is encouraged to be self-reliant really works toward building her self-esteem.
She is truly “included” at Country Meadows Montessori as this is the way they teach ALL children, not just children with disabilities. Every child learns differently, and at different levels, and this is what is encouraged at the Montessori.
Besides becoming a more independent learner, the academic changes have been astounding since enrolling in Country Meadows. She is recognizing letters and their sounds and is also working on number recognition and counting. However, the most obvious gains have been with her speech. She is now using two and three words together. And most important, you can understand her. This is a direct result, I feel, of being with typical-speaking children.
Our daughter has made many “friends” at Country Meadows. She knows the names of all her classmates and considers them her friends too. This has been shown to me in many examples. We ran into one mom at the grocery store and she said that her daughter was in Anna’s class and talks about her all the time. Anna and I have also run into other classmates at various community locations, and they always say “look Mom, it’s Anna, she’s in my class, she’s my friend.”
~Joyce D.
03/08 (written for the St. Clair County A.R.C. – An advocacy group, highlighting the need for children with disabilities to be included in the mainstream classroom setting)
“The academically rich environment and the nurturing staff are the top two reasons why we chose to send our daughter to Country Meadows Montessori. She is currently exceeding her reading, spelling and math level by 1 ½ years. We cannot thank the staff at Country Meadows enough for all their teachings and love. We feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to send her and be taught using the Montessori Method. Our son will be starting this summer and we cannot wait to see how Country Meadows Montessori helps him grow and flourish. Brenda C.” “Three years ago we moved to north eastern Macomb Country, which also meant a change in venue for my children’s day-time care. Prior to that, both our children attended a small, privately owned day-care center that was accredited from infancy through kindergarten. But with our oldest entering public schools, we needed something closer to home for our son to ease the schedule juggle. At first we tried a newly opened commercial day-care chain. We were “content” with the care it provided, as he was so young still “school” was not necessarily what we needed. But as he grew into his toddler and then preschool years, we were becoming less and less satisfied with the path his days were taking. He is very independent and would often struggle with group time or group “chaos” as we liked to call it. Choosing to sit quietly and complete a puzzle over running around with the other toddlers. His teachers called this out as a fault and it increasing became an issue that he was choosing not to participate.
We never imagined we could “afford” montessori school, just knowing what we were paying for part-time day-care, we assumed a full week at montessori would be greatly more. We did know many of the benefits children reaped there, as our niece had attended 4 years of montessori in southern Michigan and we had three friends with children enrolled at Country Meadows. So last Spring we did a little research and a great amount of comparison and it didn’t take long to realize we were shorting our son and it was our responsibility to make a change.
We could not be more pleased with his progress in just a short amount of time. It’s hard to not wish we had made the switch much sooner, but we can only be grateful of the opportunities he has been given so far at Country Meadows. We no longer worry about how he will fair in public school. He has learned to express himself, and to be a better listener. He has become even more independent and his knowledge about the world around him amazes me. He uses reason to solve problems and acts challenges head on. He now chooses to participate in “group time” because he is encouraged to do so in a loving and enriching environment. He shows respect and care for himself, the adults in his life and his friends, even when simply communicating how his day was.
We are truly blessed to be a part of the Country Meadows Family and can only continue to encourage others to evaluate what they expect out of their child’s education and to invest in their future very early in their lives. You won’t be “content” at Country Meadows…you will be SATISFIED!!”
Cathy & Dave M.
“We have had a wonderful experience at Country Meadows Montessori. The school provides an environment where children learn the curriculum they need to have a great foundation for their entire school career. They also learn lessons to be a good person and citizen. The teachers at Country Meadows give positive encouragement that boosts self-esteem.”
~Julia S.
“My Daughter was 2 ½ when she started at CMM. I have noticed, after her first year, she has learned so much. Sounds, letters, social interaction and sensory things like cutting and pouring…it’s amazing. She is so independent and she’s only 3 ½! This is a fabulous environment for my/any child to learn and grow. The teachers are outstanding in their jobs. It’s amazing. They are family. It is even rubbing off on my younger daughter, who will be starting January in her own Country Meadows adventure. You can’t put a price on your kid’s education, especially the start. CMM has shown me that this was the greatest investment to ensure their “life-long joy of learning experience!”
~Carrie M.
“Country Meadows Montessori is a wonderful environment, where children are taught respect, kindness and peace-making in addition to academics. I looked at 10 different schools – public, Montessori and perocial – and I chose Country Meadows Montessori. They also have a wonderful, spacious outdoor play and work area which is a rarity. I feel good about sending my child to CMM! “
~ Amy M.
“Our daughter attended Country Meadows for a total of 4 years. What a wonderful experience! Making the initial decision to send her to pre-school when she was only 2 ½ was an extremely difficult one. She is our only child and she was still so small, quite heart wrenching to say the least. However as we can now look back it was definitely the best decision we could have made for her. To start early in Montessori was the real key.
She was given the opportunity to blossom both emotionally and intellectually in a very loving, supportive spiritual environment. The staff at Country Meadows has provided her with the platform to excel to her utmost of abilities in a most nurturing atmosphere. This I think was only made possible by the competing the “Montessori Cycle” of 3 years. This, I think, was only made possible by completing her Kindergarten year there. I truly believe that a child only gets the full benefit by doing this, as in her final year she really came into herself. Our child is self-assured, confident and happy. All the things we want for her as she proceeds through her elementary education.
We very much feel that we have become part of the Montessori family. The loving atmosphere that is so much a part of the school has been a blessing for all three of us. The only thing left to say is a very heartfelt THANK-YOU. “
~Michael and Lisa D.
“We are grateful for the loving and caring atmosphere that the staff provides. The one on one attention given to the children contributes to a positive educational experience. My daughter is being taught and encouraged to be independent and this is giving her a lot of self-confidence. By sending our daughter to CMM, we know she is acquiring the skills needed for her future years of schooling…and also in life itself. “
~Lisa B.
“My daughter attended Country Meadows Montessori and we still reap the benefits of the Montessori education as her current teachers call her “a model student” and have her placed in the highest reading group in her class. I consider the Montessori education a necessary investment in my children’s future. Country Meadows in unique in that it teaches children to achieve self-discipline, focus and confidence. CMM provides beautiful and stimulating surrounding for children to learn. The Montessori education method incorporates high-level thinking skills and exploratory learning that will benefit a child in their entire academic career. As a parent, it is so exciting to have your children come home and share the exciting things they learn each day. I thank Ms. Jeanette for providing our community with a school that provides a structured, safe and loving learning environment for our children to blossom. “
~CMM Parent and Math Teacher
“As a working mother I could not manage without the services that are provided by Country Meadows Montessori. The teaching is done with an enthusiastic, hands on approach that encompasses practical life skills as well as the three R’s. Our community is in dire need of pre-schools such as Country Meadows Montessori. In a time when caregivers provide too little supervision and depend too much on television to entertain the children they tend, Country Meadows is a welcomed option when choosing what form of care our children will receive. “
~Sherry A.
“What really makes this school stand above the rest is that they also teach self-worth, self-respect, and respect for others. Any child that goes to Country Meadows Montessori will have the confidence to do well in any situation that presents itself. Once again, we would like to repeat our thanks and praises to those at Country Meadows. The gifts you have given us will be used for a lifetime.”
~ C. D.
“The first day I walked into Country Meadows Montessori, I knew I’d found the place for my girls. The amount of love, guidance, dedication and talent that I’ve observed at this school, on the daily basis, has convinced me (somewhat sadly) that my daughters will likely never be in another school where their needs are so completely met. The lives of the children you have taught will forever be touched and blessed. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart…and I speak for my daughters too when I say that we love you and your school.”
~Tracy D.
“Being employed as a School Social Worker in the public schools for the past eight years has enlightened me as to what “quality” education entails. I have the utmost respect for the educational program presented by Country Meadows Montessori. They maintain a high degree of professionalism when dealing with the parents and children which clearly reflects their values, ethical standards and their commitment to their students. They express care and concern for the children’s general welfare; yet have been able to capture that special quality of meeting the children’s individual needs so that each child can reach their maximum potential. They are the best!”
~Kim G.
“Country Meadows has so very much more to offer than the public school did. There is a large variety of everything you could imagine to allow the children to be creative. I can leave my children there and go to work knowing they are truly being well educated and cared for.”
~ Eve W.
“Just wanted to write a short note to let everyone know how lucky we were to have you and your staff be a part of our son’s education and upbringing. Both boys are doing so well in school and have adjusted so well, and we feel that is due in large part to attending Country Meadows. They learned so much from all of you and it shows in their schoolwork and in their social lives. Thank you again for everything; we were blessed to be part of your lives!”
~Donna A.
“Ms. Jeanette and the teachers at CMM taught my daughter many other important lessons in addition to traditional academics. A profound love for nature and all creatures was encouraged and fostered at CMM. They helped the young children to respect each other and to be responsible for their own actions. The Montessori program encourages young children to master tasks by doing, touching, or tactile manipulation. These methods bolster self-esteem for when a child has an opportunity and finds they can master a project or a practical life activity they feel an incredible sense of accomplishment. Our experience at CMM was wonderful and has made an indelible mark on our family’s life. I can never thank them enough for the lessons that were taught not only to my daughter, but to me too.” ~Deb B.
(this testimonial was originally written in 1993, and also includes a current update!) “An education for our daughter, Jill, has been one of our family’s top priorities since she was able to speak her first words. Coming from private schools ourselves, we were looking for a comparable learning environment for our daughter. When she approached her third birthday we began our search for daycare that would be in a stimulating atmosphere that not only addressed her social needs but also offered her an introduction to learning. On referral from a friend I went to observe at Country Meadows Montessori. It filled my needs for daycare, it had great potential for social activities and most importantly an introduction to learning. I was more than pleased at the end of the first six months. After 3 years (with completing kindergarten) at Country Meadows, she was enrolled in first grade in public school with a second grade reading level and knowledge of math, science and geography that they still hasn’t touched on in her public school’s second grade. What I cannot measure is her interest in learning that grew sharply through her experiences at CMM. The benefit of our investment in education at CMM is that our daughter will have a solid foundation of learning that she can build upon. ~Sue D. (UPDATE: “As I prepare our home and my family for the upcoming holiday season, I find myself wondering how the time has escaped me. Jill is in her senior year of high school and is working on her college applications. Watching her go through the process takes me back to when Bill and I were searching for her very first school. We wanted her pre-school to be not only the place she would begin her education, but also to be a warm and caring setting, with people who would love and care for her. It seems like yesterday when we were making the trip to Country Meadows Montessori. She learned colors, letters, manners, hygiene, gardening, respect for our planet as well as respect for her fellow man. Every day, as I picked her up, she would run to me with a picture or a craft or something new she had learned. She learned how to grow asparagus, cook it and ate it! To this day she still eats it and is willing to try new cuisines. She learned to try new things at your school and that trait is still with her today. Her self esteem flourished in this environment. The love, care, hugs and kisses taught her more than you know. I want you to know I never worried about her in your care. As Jill grew up and entered public school, she was able to meet her first grade studies with advancement of 2 years in reading and her math skills were off the charts. Looking at her transcripts that are being sent off to U. of M. and to Lawrence Tech, as she is applying to the engineering schools, we can trace the love of math back to your school and the great start she got there. Our investment in her start at your school paid off this year. Jill will graduate in the top ten of her class. She has a shopping bag full of letters from colleges around the country wanting her to attend. She will have enough scholarship money to cover a bachelors, masters and most likely a doctorate. From the “pink tower” and the “brown stairs” at Country Meadows, to calculus and advanced Computer Aided Design in high school, our daughter would not have become the successful young woman she has become without the foundation she received at your school. In closing, I want to thank you for being such a big part of our lives. We have become good friends since those early days. We are looking forward to Jill’s graduation and we would be honored if you and your family would join us at her graduation ceremony (as you were so much a part of that success).”
~Sue D.
“This is our son’s first year with Country Meadows. He began in the “Summer Camp” going 3 days a week. He had a great time, but most importantly began to learn to share and respect others. After a pleasant summer experience, we enrolled him in the pre-school where he ejoys his classmates and teachers. We were most impressed just this past Valentine’s Day when our son was working on art projects at home. He presented his father with an envelope that he had printed his name on. We knew he could spell his name, but we were surprised to see that he had actually printed it out correctly! We were amazed. The Directress at Country Meadows told us, previously, that everything would just “click” one day. I think we just received our first “click” as a gift for Valentine’s Day. We admire the patience and dedication to the children at Country Meadows Montessori. Respectfully, A Country Meadows Parent”
I am extremely pleased with the test results of the students who attend Country Meadows Montessori. I have been testing the students, from Country Meadows, since 2005. I have observed that these children have above average to superior levels in Reading, Writing and Math and exhibit a great foundation for “higher level academics”. In testing, the children are confident and at ease with themselves and their academic learning. I highly recommend this program to parents who want their children to excel.”
Linda Baranska, M.A.
Teacher Consultant
“I am pleased to have this opportunity to express our overwhelming satisfaction with Country Meadows Montessori. We were introduced to Country Meadows by our close friends who had (2) of thier children enrolled. They highly suggested we contact Country Meadows and attend their orientation to see for ourselves. We were immediately impressed with so many aspects of the school such as: the teachers, curriculum, encouragement of independence, nutritional habits, exercise, a safe environment, and the discipline policy just to name a few. Since the school is limited to the amount of children they will enroll, you get a sense there will be a much more personal level of teaching, allowing for a more effective and nurturing environment. We enrolled our daughter in CMM at the age of three, for the regular (5) day program during the school year and then for (3) days a week for the summer camp. This allowed her to continue her learning and also be with her friends in a positive surrounding. She continued in CMM through her Kindergarten year. Our daughter started public school in the 1st grade and she continues to surpass everyone, in her class, in math, reading, spelling and most of all in confidence with herself and her schoolwork. A feat we attribute directly to CMM. We recommend Country Meadows Montessori with complete confidence. And now we are looking forward to having our three year old son attend summer camp with his sister. Our thanks and admiration to the entire staff.
Judy H.”
”How has our Anna benefited from being included at Country Meadows Montessori?
Our daughter has benefited equally by both being in an inclusive setting AND being in a Montessori school. The Montessori teaching method focuses on basic skills, such as self-respect, self-discipline and self-esteem along with the academics. These skills are developed through a process wherein each child gains success at their own pace, with developmentally appropriate materials. Each exercise builds skills, one upon the other, allowing the student to become an independent and motivated learner.
In fact, being in a Montessori classroom, that promotes independence, has had some unexpected benefits for our daughter. By being in this inclusive environment, as opposed to a “Special Education Classroom”, there isn’t the two to one student/teacher ratio. While this made me nervous at first, I see now that this actually encourages her to make more independent choices and become more self-reliant. Anna’s learning how to make choices for herself (with occasional guidance from a teacher), from what she wants to work on to when she wants to have snack. Simple tasks such as returning work to the correct shelf and rolling up their own work-rug are encouraged and expected of all the children, including Anna (again, with occasional from others). Being in an inclusive classroom where she is encouraged to be self-reliant really works toward building her self-esteem.
She is truly “included” at Country Meadows Montessori as this is the way they teach ALL children, not just children with disabilities. Every child learns differently, and at different levels, and this is what is encouraged at the Montessori.
Besides becoming a more independent learner, the academic changes have been astounding since enrolling in Country Meadows. She is recognizing letters and their sounds and is also working on number recognition and counting. However, the most obvious gains have been with her speech. She is now using two and three words together. And most important, you can understand her. This is a direct result, I feel, of being with typical-speaking children.
Our daughter has made many “friends” at Country Meadows. She knows the names of all her classmates and considers them her friends too. This has been shown to me in many examples. We ran into one mom at the grocery store and she said that her daughter was in Anna’s class and talks about her all the time. Anna and I have also run into other classmates at various community locations, and they always say “look Mom, it’s Anna, she’s in my class, she’s my friend.”
~Joyce D.
03/08 (written for the St. Clair County A.R.C. – An advocacy group, highlighting the need for children with disabilities to be included in the mainstream classroom setting)
“The academically rich environment and the nurturing staff are the top two reasons why we chose to send our daughter to Country Meadows Montessori. She is currently exceeding her reading, spelling and math level by 1 ½ years. We cannot thank the staff at Country Meadows enough for all their teachings and love. We feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to send her and be taught using the Montessori Method. Our son will be starting this summer and we cannot wait to see how Country Meadows Montessori helps him grow and flourish. Brenda C.” “Three years ago we moved to north eastern Macomb Country, which also meant a change in venue for my children’s day-time care. Prior to that, both our children attended a small, privately owned day-care center that was accredited from infancy through kindergarten. But with our oldest entering public schools, we needed something closer to home for our son to ease the schedule juggle. At first we tried a newly opened commercial day-care chain. We were “content” with the care it provided, as he was so young still “school” was not necessarily what we needed. But as he grew into his toddler and then preschool years, we were becoming less and less satisfied with the path his days were taking. He is very independent and would often struggle with group time or group “chaos” as we liked to call it. Choosing to sit quietly and complete a puzzle over running around with the other toddlers. His teachers called this out as a fault and it increasing became an issue that he was choosing not to participate.
We never imagined we could “afford” montessori school, just knowing what we were paying for part-time day-care, we assumed a full week at montessori would be greatly more. We did know many of the benefits children reaped there, as our niece had attended 4 years of montessori in southern Michigan and we had three friends with children enrolled at Country Meadows. So last Spring we did a little research and a great amount of comparison and it didn’t take long to realize we were shorting our son and it was our responsibility to make a change.
We could not be more pleased with his progress in just a short amount of time. It’s hard to not wish we had made the switch much sooner, but we can only be grateful of the opportunities he has been given so far at Country Meadows. We no longer worry about how he will fair in public school. He has learned to express himself, and to be a better listener. He has become even more independent and his knowledge about the world around him amazes me. He uses reason to solve problems and acts challenges head on. He now chooses to participate in “group time” because he is encouraged to do so in a loving and enriching environment. He shows respect and care for himself, the adults in his life and his friends, even when simply communicating how his day was.
We are truly blessed to be a part of the Country Meadows Family and can only continue to encourage others to evaluate what they expect out of their child’s education and to invest in their future very early in their lives. You won’t be “content” at Country Meadows…you will be SATISFIED!!”
Cathy & Dave M.
“We have had a wonderful experience at Country Meadows Montessori. The school provides an environment where children learn the curriculum they need to have a great foundation for their entire school career. They also learn lessons to be a good person and citizen. The teachers at Country Meadows give positive encouragement that boosts self-esteem.”
~Julia S.
“My Daughter was 2 ½ when she started at CMM. I have noticed, after her first year, she has learned so much. Sounds, letters, social interaction and sensory things like cutting and pouring…it’s amazing. She is so independent and she’s only 3 ½! This is a fabulous environment for my/any child to learn and grow. The teachers are outstanding in their jobs. It’s amazing. They are family. It is even rubbing off on my younger daughter, who will be starting January in her own Country Meadows adventure. You can’t put a price on your kid’s education, especially the start. CMM has shown me that this was the greatest investment to ensure their “life-long joy of learning experience!”
~Carrie M.
“Country Meadows Montessori is a wonderful environment, where children are taught respect, kindness and peace-making in addition to academics. I looked at 10 different schools – public, Montessori and perocial – and I chose Country Meadows Montessori. They also have a wonderful, spacious outdoor play and work area which is a rarity. I feel good about sending my child to CMM! “
~ Amy M.
“Our daughter attended Country Meadows for a total of 4 years. What a wonderful experience! Making the initial decision to send her to pre-school when she was only 2 ½ was an extremely difficult one. She is our only child and she was still so small, quite heart wrenching to say the least. However as we can now look back it was definitely the best decision we could have made for her. To start early in Montessori was the real key.
She was given the opportunity to blossom both emotionally and intellectually in a very loving, supportive spiritual environment. The staff at Country Meadows has provided her with the platform to excel to her utmost of abilities in a most nurturing atmosphere. This I think was only made possible by the competing the “Montessori Cycle” of 3 years. This, I think, was only made possible by completing her Kindergarten year there. I truly believe that a child only gets the full benefit by doing this, as in her final year she really came into herself. Our child is self-assured, confident and happy. All the things we want for her as she proceeds through her elementary education.
We very much feel that we have become part of the Montessori family. The loving atmosphere that is so much a part of the school has been a blessing for all three of us. The only thing left to say is a very heartfelt THANK-YOU. “
~Michael and Lisa D.
“We are grateful for the loving and caring atmosphere that the staff provides. The one on one attention given to the children contributes to a positive educational experience. My daughter is being taught and encouraged to be independent and this is giving her a lot of self-confidence. By sending our daughter to CMM, we know she is acquiring the skills needed for her future years of schooling…and also in life itself. “
~Lisa B.
“My daughter attended Country Meadows Montessori and we still reap the benefits of the Montessori education as her current teachers call her “a model student” and have her placed in the highest reading group in her class. I consider the Montessori education a necessary investment in my children’s future. Country Meadows in unique in that it teaches children to achieve self-discipline, focus and confidence. CMM provides beautiful and stimulating surrounding for children to learn. The Montessori education method incorporates high-level thinking skills and exploratory learning that will benefit a child in their entire academic career. As a parent, it is so exciting to have your children come home and share the exciting things they learn each day. I thank Ms. Jeanette for providing our community with a school that provides a structured, safe and loving learning environment for our children to blossom. “
~CMM Parent and Math Teacher
“As a working mother I could not manage without the services that are provided by Country Meadows Montessori. The teaching is done with an enthusiastic, hands on approach that encompasses practical life skills as well as the three R’s. Our community is in dire need of pre-schools such as Country Meadows Montessori. In a time when caregivers provide too little supervision and depend too much on television to entertain the children they tend, Country Meadows is a welcomed option when choosing what form of care our children will receive. “
~Sherry A.
“What really makes this school stand above the rest is that they also teach self-worth, self-respect, and respect for others. Any child that goes to Country Meadows Montessori will have the confidence to do well in any situation that presents itself. Once again, we would like to repeat our thanks and praises to those at Country Meadows. The gifts you have given us will be used for a lifetime.”
~ C. D.
“The first day I walked into Country Meadows Montessori, I knew I’d found the place for my girls. The amount of love, guidance, dedication and talent that I’ve observed at this school, on the daily basis, has convinced me (somewhat sadly) that my daughters will likely never be in another school where their needs are so completely met. The lives of the children you have taught will forever be touched and blessed. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart…and I speak for my daughters too when I say that we love you and your school.”
~Tracy D.
“Being employed as a School Social Worker in the public schools for the past eight years has enlightened me as to what “quality” education entails. I have the utmost respect for the educational program presented by Country Meadows Montessori. They maintain a high degree of professionalism when dealing with the parents and children which clearly reflects their values, ethical standards and their commitment to their students. They express care and concern for the children’s general welfare; yet have been able to capture that special quality of meeting the children’s individual needs so that each child can reach their maximum potential. They are the best!”
~Kim G.
“Country Meadows has so very much more to offer than the public school did. There is a large variety of everything you could imagine to allow the children to be creative. I can leave my children there and go to work knowing they are truly being well educated and cared for.”
~ Eve W.
“Just wanted to write a short note to let everyone know how lucky we were to have you and your staff be a part of our son’s education and upbringing. Both boys are doing so well in school and have adjusted so well, and we feel that is due in large part to attending Country Meadows. They learned so much from all of you and it shows in their schoolwork and in their social lives. Thank you again for everything; we were blessed to be part of your lives!”
~Donna A.
“Ms. Jeanette and the teachers at CMM taught my daughter many other important lessons in addition to traditional academics. A profound love for nature and all creatures was encouraged and fostered at CMM. They helped the young children to respect each other and to be responsible for their own actions. The Montessori program encourages young children to master tasks by doing, touching, or tactile manipulation. These methods bolster self-esteem for when a child has an opportunity and finds they can master a project or a practical life activity they feel an incredible sense of accomplishment. Our experience at CMM was wonderful and has made an indelible mark on our family’s life. I can never thank them enough for the lessons that were taught not only to my daughter, but to me too.” ~Deb B.
(this testimonial was originally written in 1993, and also includes a current update!) “An education for our daughter, Jill, has been one of our family’s top priorities since she was able to speak her first words. Coming from private schools ourselves, we were looking for a comparable learning environment for our daughter. When she approached her third birthday we began our search for daycare that would be in a stimulating atmosphere that not only addressed her social needs but also offered her an introduction to learning. On referral from a friend I went to observe at Country Meadows Montessori. It filled my needs for daycare, it had great potential for social activities and most importantly an introduction to learning. I was more than pleased at the end of the first six months. After 3 years (with completing kindergarten) at Country Meadows, she was enrolled in first grade in public school with a second grade reading level and knowledge of math, science and geography that they still hasn’t touched on in her public school’s second grade. What I cannot measure is her interest in learning that grew sharply through her experiences at CMM. The benefit of our investment in education at CMM is that our daughter will have a solid foundation of learning that she can build upon. ~Sue D. (UPDATE: “As I prepare our home and my family for the upcoming holiday season, I find myself wondering how the time has escaped me. Jill is in her senior year of high school and is working on her college applications. Watching her go through the process takes me back to when Bill and I were searching for her very first school. We wanted her pre-school to be not only the place she would begin her education, but also to be a warm and caring setting, with people who would love and care for her. It seems like yesterday when we were making the trip to Country Meadows Montessori. She learned colors, letters, manners, hygiene, gardening, respect for our planet as well as respect for her fellow man. Every day, as I picked her up, she would run to me with a picture or a craft or something new she had learned. She learned how to grow asparagus, cook it and ate it! To this day she still eats it and is willing to try new cuisines. She learned to try new things at your school and that trait is still with her today. Her self esteem flourished in this environment. The love, care, hugs and kisses taught her more than you know. I want you to know I never worried about her in your care. As Jill grew up and entered public school, she was able to meet her first grade studies with advancement of 2 years in reading and her math skills were off the charts. Looking at her transcripts that are being sent off to U. of M. and to Lawrence Tech, as she is applying to the engineering schools, we can trace the love of math back to your school and the great start she got there. Our investment in her start at your school paid off this year. Jill will graduate in the top ten of her class. She has a shopping bag full of letters from colleges around the country wanting her to attend. She will have enough scholarship money to cover a bachelors, masters and most likely a doctorate. From the “pink tower” and the “brown stairs” at Country Meadows, to calculus and advanced Computer Aided Design in high school, our daughter would not have become the successful young woman she has become without the foundation she received at your school. In closing, I want to thank you for being such a big part of our lives. We have become good friends since those early days. We are looking forward to Jill’s graduation and we would be honored if you and your family would join us at her graduation ceremony (as you were so much a part of that success).”
~Sue D.
“This is our son’s first year with Country Meadows. He began in the “Summer Camp” going 3 days a week. He had a great time, but most importantly began to learn to share and respect others. After a pleasant summer experience, we enrolled him in the pre-school where he ejoys his classmates and teachers. We were most impressed just this past Valentine’s Day when our son was working on art projects at home. He presented his father with an envelope that he had printed his name on. We knew he could spell his name, but we were surprised to see that he had actually printed it out correctly! We were amazed. The Directress at Country Meadows told us, previously, that everything would just “click” one day. I think we just received our first “click” as a gift for Valentine’s Day. We admire the patience and dedication to the children at Country Meadows Montessori. Respectfully, A Country Meadows Parent”
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